Quality Statement

Document Reference POL-002
Revision Date November 2024
Review Date January 2026

As a building services maintenance provider Acorn Engineering Ltd is committed to delivering high quality services to our customers through this Quality Policy and the development, implementation and continual improvement of our Integrated Management System (QEMS).

Our management system underpins everything that we do for our clients.

As a company we are committed to:

  • establishing quality objectives and actionable plans appropriate to the needs of the company that enable us to meet customer requirements and wherever possible enhance customer satisfaction
  • satisfying all applicable requirements whether these be customer, regulatory or industry codes of practice based that affect the delivery of products and services to our clients
  • continually improving our integrated management system through regular monitoring of its performance, planned internal and UKAS accredited external audits, and management reviews
  • ensuring that all Acorn personnel have the necessary training and competences to deliver quality services to our clients
  • communicating this policy and the importance of meeting client, statutory and regulatory requirements including being committed to the protection of the environment including climate change to our staff and others involved in delivering products and services to our clients

This quality policy will be the subject of review at the annual management review meeting, so as to ensure that the company objectives stated in this policy are being achieved and are appropriate to the company’s current activities, in order to meet the expectations and needs of the client.