Health & Safety Statement

Document Reference POL-003
Revision Date November 2024
Review Date January 2026

As a building services maintenance provider Acorn Engineering Ltd acknowledges that nothing is more important than the health, safety and welfare of its employees, clients, contractors and any others who may be affected by the way we carry out our business operations.

The directors of Acorn Engineering Limited will support all managers in the discharge of their health and safety responsibilities and commit to:

  • provide full backing both to this policy and too all employees who authorise or are responsible for work activities to ensure that health, safety and welfare is the priority, and that work is carried out in compliance with all relevant industry standards and legislation.
  • set annual health & safety objectives and targets, measure and review performance to ensure we deliver against our responsibilities and provide the necessary resources to do so and continually improve the effectiveness of our OH&S management system and performance.
  • comply with all legal and other requirements that affect the delivery of services to our customers where they relate to OH&S hazards.
  • prevent injury and ill health by identifying and eliminating hazards and reducing or controlling OH&S risks using recognized best practice in OH&S such as the ‘hierarchy of controls’.
  • consult with our employees, their representatives, and contractors on matters that may affect their health and safety and encourage their participation in the prevention of work-related injury and ill health.
  • ensure that all people working on Acorn’s behalf are competent to do their jobs, have the necessary training and are actively encouraged to carry out their work activities in a safe and considerate manner, taking due care for their own health & safety and that of others.
  • take disciplinary action against any employee who flagrantly disregards safety instructions and/or approved safe working practices.
  • committed to the protection of the environment including climate change

This policy is reviewed annually for continuing suitability by Acorn Engineering Limited directors and is available to employees, clients, contractors, potential clients and the public on our website and in printed form (on request).